The whole scope is sitting on an azimuth axis
base. To connect it, you just set the whole scope on it. Depressions are
cut out for the three feet on the bottom of the factory rocker box.
The gear on the side is a 11.75", 360:1 hard plastic
gear. The geartrain is under the box on that side. The box deadens sounds
and keeps the worm clean.
This entire conversion is removable from the scope.
You can take all of the gearing off and then sell the scope as it was when
you purchased it. This can be done for larger truss type scopes too.
Features list:
Unlike other GoTo systems, all of our systems are GoTo
telescope controls for a lifetime. The circuitry, motors, computer, cables,
software and (usually) the gearing, can be used on other mounts (Dobs or
GEMS) with a little modification to the new mounting.
It does NOT use encoders, none are
required or even recommended.
There is no Field de-rotator included
in any system but the system is quite capable of using one for astrophotography.
Stepper motors that are quiet enough to talk over in a
normal tone of voice when tracking and nearly silent when slewing.
Time tested software and hardware.
No permanent modifications to the telescope mount itself.
Almost all of our systems are removable should you upgrade to a larger
A small 17 amp hour gel cell battery is good for one night
of observing.
Resolution is at .225 arc seconds for this mount. Better
resolution is available on request.
Laptop can be an old 486 and can be included with your
Software is included and pre-configured.
Telephone and e-mail support is available for free.
Instructions for operating the software are included.
This system is GoTo pointing accurate to within a fraction
of an arc minute.
Start up time is less than 2 minutes.
A one button grand tour mode is standard.
Unlimited database, custom made, DIY and large database
included free.
Easy 2 star alignment.
Custom made grand tour files are available for free and
can be sent to you via e-mail or floppy. Install time for these is 1 minute.
Multiple mount error correction routines are standard.
Gearing backlash control is standard.
Laptop can have Guide installed, a planetarium program
that graphically displays the night sky. Access from inside the scope software
with one key.
Laptops and the circuitry can usually be powered from
the same battery. There is no need typically, for a power outlet.
LX-200 interface for control with other computer programs,
40 microsteps per full step of the motors. Typical number
of microsteps with the gearing is 5, 760,000.
Drift compensation standard (allows lunar tracking at
high power for CCD work)
Realtime display of coordinates.
Built in observing log is standard.
Wireless mouse operation available.
Here is a picture of a laptop and the pcb together.
We attach the two with long pieces of industrial strength velcro. The laptop
just sits on top of the pcb. BOTH can be made to run off of one single
battery at your request. I have done this with quite a few laptops and
all have worked perfectly running off of 12 volts.
Other completed No-Harm Dob conversions:
10" Home-Made Oak Dob
Discovery Dob